Could Your Business Benefit From Being Able to Take Payments On Your Phone Or Other Mobile Device?

Portable, affordable technology is revolutionizing everything from the way people make music to how even small companies operate. If you are an entrepreneur who is looking to make things easier for yourself and your staff while keeping your customers happy, you should consider accepting payments on your smartphone or tablet. The benefits are epic. 

Portable, affordable technology is revolutionizing everything from the way people make music to how even small companies operate. If you are an entrepreneur who is looking to make things easier for yourself and your staff while keeping your customers happy, you should consider accepting payments on your smartphone or tablet. The benefits are epic. 

Reward Loyalty

Your customers might not be kids who revel in getting prizes, but even the most rigid and stodgy corporate types love to be rewarded. In the past, customers had to keep track of paper punch cards or key fobs if they wanted to build up their loyalty points. However, once you accept mobile payments with your phone or other device, their information is stored in the app. They can even be notified by email when they have earned an incentive, which gives them a great reason to return to your store. In short, everybody wins. 

Open the Door to Credit Card Payments

Even today, a fair number of small merchants accept cash only. If you’re one of them, you have probably already experienced the downsides of not accepting plastic. These days, few consumers are carrying bills and coins in any quantity. For that matter, some don’t even bring along their credit cards because they exclusively use the digital wallet that is built into their smartphone. Going off the grid might be appealing in theory, but the fact is that you’re losing profits because of it. Today’s mobile payment technology lets you accept payments from anyone anywhere with no need for bulky hardware or pricey software. 

Track Sales Trends

Paperwork is the bugaboo of many small entrepreneurs. Sometimes it seems like a gargantuan challenge to keep track of what products sell faster, which are not moving off the shelves and what needs to be replaced. With mobile payments software, all of this can be automated for you. It’s like having an efficient silent partner doing all the vital but tedious tasks that keep you from interacting with your customers. Once you get the system up and running, you will know what … Read the rest